Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Skin Care | Innisfree Masks

So sorry for being MIA this month! Between the job hunting and traveling, I just haven't had much time to talk about passions and hobbies. But here's a brand of products that has really been helping me with my skin in the past few weeks. Innisfree is a Korean skincare line that is cruelty free and overall very popular. I purchased these 15 It's Real Squeeze Masks from Amazon recently and so far I've been really enjoying them. 

The best thing about this is that you can try all different ingredients that target specific concerns. Because there are so many different ones, I generally choose which one I want to use based on how my skin is feeling that day.

Masks are so expensive nowadays, one single sheet mask at Sephora can go upward $10. It's a blessing to find cheaper yet equally as effective ones on Amazon for just a fraction of the price! 

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